Feel like a Kid with Sofa Killer Onesie
The One-piece Pajama redefined
It was early 2k, the infant bodysuit was introduced as a fashion trend for the adults. The Onesies was the registered trademark which had created various design for the infants. During the late 2000s and early 2010s, the people across UK and Australia started to wear the adult Onesie and the apparel turned popular. The apparel was mostly used as Loungewear or sleepwear. However during the later days this was introduced as stylish street wear and became popular which was later termed as Street Fashion during the late 2000s and 2010s.
The Journey made popular
During 2011, the Onesie had brought forward a transformation from novelty. The Onesie turned into a craze for the apparel worldwide. Ryan Gosling had played a crucial role in this revolution. The Ellen DeGeneres show had made the Onesies popular by giving the audience as a complimentary during the month of January in the year 2011. Gosling turned to be popular and later Golden Globe had nominated him. He also had appeared in three mainstream videos. The popularity of Gosling had also introduced the Adult Onesie as one of the fashion craze amongst the youth.
Introduced Popular in Google.
Jumpinjammerz was one of the company which was started by the famous entrepreneur and Musician Steve Pandi. The company was known for its vivid design in manufacturing adult Onesie. In the year 2011, in USA JumpinJammerz was found to be the Number 1 search item in Google.
Expansion of the Fashion craze
People had started to know the Onesie. The new fashion trend gradually had become famous through its appearance in various renowned movies and serials across the countries of the globe.
The Hip Hop Recording artist Macklemore had used the men Onesie as his garment for his popular song, “Thrift Shop”. With the success of the video album, The Onesie had also earned the hearts of the people. This is turn had turned popular and was included in the modern fashion.
The Women Onesie turned Popular
Not only men, However women had also accepted this trend and had become participant for this new fashion craze. The Women Onesie turned popular for the girl’s night out or any casual parties. The garment was found to be fit for a lazy outing.
Feel like a Kid with Onesie
There might be times when we try to go back to our childhood days. The Adult Onesie would help to go back to our older days now. The beautiful themes and design had created a benchmark in fashion trend.
Now a days, Men Onesie and women Onesie had been adopted by the mass and introduced the comfortable wear with various types which is now available in various e-commerce platforms like sofakiller.com